A bouquet of flowers, conversation hearts, plush teddy bears, Xs and Os (love), and confections are what Valentine’s Day is all about, right? Well, not necessarily. While the holiday is a time of love, it can also serve as a reminder to express love and appreciation to all the special people in your life. At Promedcare, we encourage you to celebrate the day with your aging parent or loved one. Whether they still live at home or are being cared for by others, there are ways to make this holiday memorable and upbeat. We’ve come up with a few ways to show your affection this Valentine’s Day and make it a special one for the seniors and caregivers in your life.

How to Make Valentine’s Day Special for Seniors and Caregivers

1. Your Presence is a Present

Pay your loved one a visit and carve out enough time in your day so you don’t spend it feeling rushed or hurried. Brighten up their space with fresh flowers or Valentine’s cards made by yourself (or your children!). A creative, handmade gift can be more meaningful than something store-bought.

2. Take a Trip Down Memory Lane

Use this holiday as an opportunity to help your loved one experience the joy and self-worth associated with a cherished moment. Prompt fond memories with questions like “Did you exchange Valentines growing up?” or “Who was your first date?” Leaf through photo albums and look back on the love you shared – and continue to share – as a family. Consider framing a special moment in time for an extra heartfelt touch.

3. Savor the Moment

It’s likely that your loved one has experienced a time or two in which they longed for the days of preparing meals for others. Ask for a favorite recipe (in advance!) and surprise them with it on Valentine’s Day. It’s been said that the sense of taste can evoke a joyful memory and conjure the comforts of home.

4. Do Something Unexpected

Has your loved one been experiencing cabin fever this winter? On the heels of Punxsutawney Phil’s extended winter prediction, plan a fun-filled outing (call it a “date” for fun!)

Go to a bakery or coffee shop, see a matinee movie, or head out to the local library.

5. Curate a Care Package

Live at a distance? Sending a care package will provide warm greetings and let your loved one know they’re in your thoughts. Assemble a basket that incorporates personal interests and hobbies, savory treats, and handmade gifts and photos from family and friends. The best of all worlds.

The bottom line is spending time with that special person. Doing so will brighten their day and yours. Memories to be cherished as time moves on.

Send a Card

A card with a thoughtful note is always appreciated. This Valentine’s Day, give your loved one a card stating how much being able to provide them with care means to you. This is a simple way to spread love and make your loved one feel special. Whether it is handmaid or store bought the recipient will have an opportunity to cherish the feelings expressed in the card. Knowing that you took the time to create or select the perfect card is special to them.

Make Treats

Make some festive homemade treats to share with your loved one to spread the spirit of the holiday. A batch of cookies or brownies is easy to make and can help your loved one feel special this Valentine’s Day. To spread the love even further, share your treats with friends and other family members as well.

As you enjoy the treat you can visit with them about homemade items they used to make or receive in the past. This is a great conversation starter that will allow them to remember a special moment in time in their past.

Watch a Movie Together

Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to provide some entertainment for your loved one by watching their favorite romantic movie together. Not only will the quality time make your loved one feel special, but you as a caregiver can also benefit from the break from your normal caregiving activities. Take time afterward to visit about the movie and how they enjoyed it. Opportunities to spend time and make memories with them are the key.

Partake in a Loved One’s Favorite Activity

A great way to spread love as a caregiver this Valentine’s Day is by taking an interest in your loved one’s favorite activities. Chances are, they have a favorite hobby that you can help them out with. If they love reading, sit and read a story to them. If they enjoy knitting, take some time to knit a scarf or other useful item with them. Your loved one will appreciate the help with their favorite activity and feel special that you have taken an interest.

Share Stories

Take some time to share your favorite stories with your loved ones. Reminisce over your favorite time or memory you share with them. Tell them how much these memories and time together mean to you, and your loved one will feel the love in no time.

Showing Yourself Some Love on Valentine’s Day

While we traditionally think of Valentine’s Day as a time for acts of love, it can also be a great time to show yourself some love and share some special moments with your loved ones. It is paramount that you take time for yourself to ensure your mental and physical health as you care for others.

Here are some ways to show yourself some love this Valentine’s Day:

  1. Stretch – take a few moments to do some simple stretches and notice tense muscles soften.
  2. Breathe – along with those stretches, take some long slow breaths to give yourself a little more relaxation.
  3. Treat yourself to a hot beverage and perhaps a special snack – savor the aroma of your tea, coffee, or hot cocoa. Feel the warmth of the mug in your hands. Enjoy a few minutes to yourself or include your loved one in this “tea party” as a small Valentine’s Day celebration.
  4. Take a break from electronics – Our screen time adds up quickly each day and can create fatigue that we often don’t even realize. Try spending some time away from your smartphone, tablet, or computer. Instead, work on a jigsaw puzzle, read a print book, sketch, or doodle with paper and pencil.
  5. Appreciate you and all you do – Don’t think about your never-ending “To do” list. Think about two or three things that you have accomplished today and give yourself a pat on the back.
  6. Listen to music – Listening to something upbeat may boost your spirits on a wintery day or listen to something soft may soothe and relax you.
  7. Laugh – A good laugh can warm the hearts of everyone. Share a joke, listen to a recording by a favorite comedian, or bring to mind a fun memory that ignites your laughter.
  8. Share something special with your loved one – reminisce by looking through a photo album together or ask your loved one to share a special Valentine’s memory or tradition that was important to them in previous years.

Celebrating Your Caregiver This Valentine’s Day

Because Valentine’s Day is a holiday celebrating love and affection, it can be a great opportunity to show appreciation for others, such as a caregiver in your life.

Ways to Show Appreciation For Your Caregiver:

1. Find ways of repaying your caregivers’ kindness.

Some may like to show their appreciation by returning the favor and looking for ways to make life a little easier for their caregiver. Examples include picking things off the floor, creating a shopping list, or buying or making a small gift.

Even small kindnesses like remembering tasks for them like buying a card for your grandson’s birthday or that you are almost out of salt will help your caretaker feel more organized and cared for.

2. Say “Thank you.”

It sounds like a small gesture, but sometimes that is all that is truly needed. Showing your gratitude for what your caregiver does for you lets them know you don’t take their work for granted. You can say thank you in big ways with cards and balloons or in small ways with just a verbal acknowledgment.

The important thing is that you take the time to show that you notice the choices they make for you to better your life and you are grateful for it.

3. Say “I love you.”

It wouldn’t be Valentine’s Day without a little love! This may be more appropriate if the caregiver is a spouse, significant other, parent, etc. Providing care for someone is an intimate gesture and highly specific from person to person.

Sometimes mistakes are made, feelings hurt, or patience tried. However, it’s important to stop and think about the mountains of good a caregiver provides and remind them how much you love them for not just what they do, but also for who they are.

4. Give them a night off

Maybe your disability means you can’t be without care for more than an hour at a time. Arrange a substitute of sorts so your caregiver can have some time to themselves to take care of their own well-being. Not only will they have a chance to recharge doing something that they find enjoyable such as spending time with family, self-pampering, or retail therapy, but they will also be grateful to you for organizing such a thoughtful offering.

Whatever you choose to do this Valentine’s Day, we hope that you will take a moment to recognize the special people in your life, especially your caregivers. And to all the outstanding caregivers out there: thank you and we love you!


Our goal is to keep you or your loved one healthy, happy, and safe at home. The Promedcare team of management and caregivers understands the importance of providing care within the comfort of one’s own home. Families choose Promedcare for different reasons.

For some, it’s to provide extensive ongoing care for an aging senior. For others, we offer a much-needed break or, respite care – such as a night out with a spouse, vacation, or simply a few hours of quiet time at home – for family members who provide regular care. We offer a wide range of care services customized for each individual client.

Promedcare services include Personal Care Services, Companion Care Services, Dementia / Alzheimer’s Care Services, and Respiratory Solutions.

Contact us today to see how Prodmedcare can help you!